Sebastian Kuch

Ph.D. Latin American Studies-UNAM, MX
Hotel administration
Sebastian was born on December 8, 1982 in Neuendettelsau, a small town in Bavaria, Germany. He is co-founder and CEO of Conceptos Arkipelago SA de CV. Since 2007 he has lived, studied and worked in Latin America (Honduras, Peru and Mexico), always maintaining his ties with his home country, Germany. In 2015, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) awarded him the degree of doctor with an honorable mention in Latin American Studies.
Sebastian is an expert in tourism. He has a deep academic training in economics and cultural sciences, with an emphasis on tourism and sustainability in Latin America and the Caribbean. He has published in various languages ​​in magazines relevant to his areas of knowledge. He has work experiences in tourism thanks to his work for tour operators in Cusco, Peru, and La Ceiba, Honduras, and the management of hotels in Laguna de Bacalar, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Sebastian is primarily dedicated to the management of destinations and hotels, the design of new travel routes and tourism products, for the benefit and with the involvement of local communities, and research. Among his main tasks in Conceptos Arkipelago, administration and coordination of different activities and disciplines stand out. He speaks German, Spanish and English. Currently, it resides in Laguna de Bacalar.
Andrea Rivera-Sosa

Ph.D (c) Marine Sciences-CINVESTAV, MX
Aquatic ecosystems
Environmental consultant
Community development
Andrea was born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, is a marine biologist and a lover of nature. She is co-founder of Conceptos Arkipelago SA de CV. Currently, she is pursuing a doctorate in Marine Sciences at CINVESTAV, Mérida, Mexico. Her passion is coral reefs, aquatic resources and their protection. At the age of 13, he moved to the United States and since then began his ability to learn how to reduce the negative impacts of humans on coastal marine ecosystems. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Marine Science from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and a Master of Water and Coastal Management from the University of Plymouth, England, in conjunction with the University of Cadiz, Spain. She also worked as a professor at the National Aútonoma University of Honduras for 4 consecutive years before starting her doctorate.
Her work and academic experience has focused on the different components of socio-ecological resilience in coastal communities and responses to extreme weather events. He has worked on issues of adaptation to climate change, the development of tools and indicators of food security at the local and national level. More recently, he has studied stressors (global and local) and the impacts on the state of the coral reefs in the Bahía de Tela, Honduras, and the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System.
Jonatan Romero

Ph.D Latin American Studies- UNAM, MX
Political Science in Mexico
Jonatan Romero Ayala, Mexican, 39 years old, Doctor in Latin American Studies from UNAM. He has various interests, however, his main passion is to influence social transformation from the various angles in which he has been immersed.
The office that takes care of this is politics in its different perspectives. From the micro to the macro. The social reality of a country like Mexico, so full of contradictions, has always seemed to him a permanent challenge, not only in theoretical terms, but in actions aimed at reducing inequality. In this sense and due to his legal training, he understands the normative system, not only as a set of norms that determine the conduct of individuals in society, but as the ingredient of justice to provide society with more decent levels in all the aspects. He thinks that in the millenary legacy of a cultural nature that this country has, is the key and the seed of the solution of various social issues.
He contributed with Sebastian and Andrea to start a project in Bacalar focused on sustainable tourism. Now, from Information Technology, he would like to influence so that once again the public interest is the priority of the nation. In short, a society as unequal as Mexico requires immediate actions for its transformation.